How to serve God with all your heart? Many people think that partnering with the Gospel is merely making a financial investment in a ministry. It goes beyond that and entails actively participating in the work of God in your local church. You’re supposed to be partner with God as a Christian, but being a Christian is not enough to make you a partner. You need to make a conscious choice and display specific characteristics to truly qualify as a partner of the Gospel. What then makes a true partner?
Watch the video below to gain some fresh biblical insight on becoming a partner of the Gospel.
As believers we have been plagued by passivity and sought blessings from God for too long. But God is seeking for people in our generation who will avail themselves to help Him in accomplishing His mission on the earth – the salvation of humankind. Christ came to the earth to save us by His death. That for which Christ died must become that for which we live.
Here are some powerful keys to partner with God that are discussed in the video.
A proper attitude to leadership – protection, commitment to their welfare
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
12Now we ask you, brothers, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you, 13and to regard them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
To be a true partner, you need to have a proper attitude to leadership, honour for your leaders, and commit to their welfare. Notwithstanding the fact that we are all equal in the eyes of God, we however have different functions. We were saved to serve; to do good works. Unless we are properly trained and then equipped, , dismal failure in the work the Lord has entrusted to us will be our unfortunate portion.
The apostle Paul expressed his intense gratitude to the Philippian church because they had a good attitude towards him.
Philippians 1:3-7
“3 I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you,[ 4 always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you[b] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 7 It is right for me to think this way about all of you, because I have you in my heart,[c] and you are all partners with me in grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and establishment of the gospel.
In today’s Church there is a prevailing culture of treating men and women of God in a disgraceful manner. This results in believers whose lives are not fulfilled and are a shadow of where they ought to be. It is essential to recognise that when you mistreat those who are supposed to help you, then you don’t get the help that you need.
Many leaders are wounded and those who are wounded cannot heal. We stand to gain if we eschew wounding them. It is imperative that we emulate the example of the Philippians. Not only did they avoid wounding Paul but they assisted him with their work in the ministry and took the burden off him.
You must have a good relationship with the leaders that you are working with. Grace is communicated spiritually from leadership. A lack of a good relationhip with your leaders equates to a lack of honour for them. What is on them may then not be communicated to you.What a loss!
1.1) The discerning of leadership
You need to know who God has assigned to your life. Not everybody should speak to you.
The Bible, says in Hebrews 3:17
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account, so that they can do this with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.
Your leaders have been assigned to watch over your soul. When you understand that someone is watching over your soul, you realise that this person must enjoy the greatest care and attention and respect and honour from you so they can properly do that job of watching over your soul, because your soul is precious.
You need to understand the role of leaders in the Church and in your life. God is making us. He uses His servants to fashion and equip us. The way you treat leaders affects your own interests. The Bible says that “it would not be profitable to you.” if you don’t obey them.
1.2) Protect your leader
How to protect your leaders? How to support your pastors? When the pastors are down, then it’s very difficult for them to communicate life to their congregation. So it is essential that we protect them. How do we protect them?
- We protect them by divesting them of unnecessary responsibilities, by taking the burden off them.
- We protect them emotionally, materially and spiritually. We meet their needs and make sure they don’t have financial problems by sowing into their lives. We pray for them, defend their reputation by silencing those who gossip about them.
- There are many people who want to do the least possible and have the pastor do the most possible. Take the burden off them. Cooperate with them. Don’t be difficult. Don’t be a problem. Partner with a leader by not getting into warfare with them. Submit to your leaders.
- Pray for your leaders fervently. You know, there are places where people have special prayer groups that pray continually for the pastor.
How effectively have you served alongside a man or woman God? Have you done things that have been so amazing for them and for the work that they have just offered it up to God?
“A partner is a person who is fully committed to the purpose of Christ … who’s deeply involved in everything that God has set humankind on the earth to do.”
“A partner is a person who is involved in the local expression of the body of Christ … and who is not only involved but who is a burden-bearer.”
“A partner is a person who is completely consumed with the mission of God on the earth.”
“A partner has deep intimacy with Jesus and consequently feels very deeply about the things that are important to Jesus.”
“A partner…is a person who lives for that for which Christ died.”
“You’re supposed to be a partner as a Christian. But being a Christian is not enough to make you a partner.”
“That for which Christ died must become that for which we live.”
“ If we are going to be true partners we need to have a proper attitude to leadership.”
“When you treat very badly those who are supposed to help you, then you don’t get the help that you need.”
“Many leaders are wounded and those who are wounded cannot heal.”
“There is a spiritual communication of grace that comes from leadership.”
“If you don’t have a good relationship with a leader, you don’t honor them. What is on them may not come on you.”
“Not everyone should speak to you.”
“You have to have a right attitude to those who are watching over your soul, because if you don’t, then they won’t be able to do their work properly.”
“God is making us. And He uses his servants to fashion, equip and release us for ministry and life.”
“The way you treat leaders affects your own interests.”
“If you want to be a partner … you need to be praying for your leaders.”