Partnering with God (video 3)

There are different kinds of people in the church, from the lazy ones, the mere participants and predators to partners. We are called to be partners of the Gospel and our local church, which by a long shot surpasses merely making a monthly financial investment to a ministry.

A partner, as we have seen in previous articles: Partnering with God ( video 1), and 6 ways to live a life worthy of Christ (Partnering with God video 2) is obsessed with the mission of God of bringing salvation to mankind. A true partner is united with Jesus and intimate with Him; whereby His desires become our desires and His purpose become ours. A partner stands firm in one mind and in one spirit with his/her local church and accepts to suffer for Christ.

We are not short of examples in the Bible of people who lived as partners. Timothy was a true partner to the Apostle Paul, of proven character and working side by side with the Apostle as a son works with a father (Philippians 2:22). Philemon was described by the apostle Paul as a fellow worker (Philemon 1:1).  You too can become a partner to your local church.

Watch and discover why and how to become a partner in the gospel.

Some quotations from the video to meditate upon :

  • “You cannot effectively partner with God in isolation…or if you are in a place, and you don’t believe in what they are called to do.”
  • “To be an effective partner of the Lord, we have to be tested and validated.”
  • “Partnering with God means that we have a stake in the local expression of the body of Christ we are a part of.”
  • “We cannot be effective partners if we do not realise that we need to build relationships (at church) and we need to ensure that where we are positioned, we function for the good of the house.”
  • “If you want to be a partner with God, in reaching your generation with the Gospel, you need to see the big picture.”

“Too many of us want to serve the Lord as freelancers.”

Ps Bola Ogedengbe

This revelation on how to become a true partner with God will assist you to grow in your church and thus be useful to the kingdom of God. Commit to making a difference in your generation by deciding today to partner with God and partner with your local church in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

In the same series:

Partnering with God sermon
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