Why and how to forgive yourself (PART 2)

Many people live with a sense of guilt, and discomfort. They don’t dare to strike out or go forward because they always feel hindered and hampered by the memory of their past sins. And of course, the enemy of their souls ensures they never forget. As we saw in the first part of this teaching, this is extremely serious. Without total freedom in their heart and mind, they cannot embrace all the possibilities that God has for their lives.
In this teaching, discover 8 simple principles that will help you to forgive yourself. As you go through these different steps, may you receive the clarity required, and the power of the Holy Spirit will come upon you to set you free!

Ponder these quotes on forgiving yourself from the teaching :

  • Unless you are totally free in your heart and in your mind, you will not embrace all the possibilities that God has for your life.
  • You have to forgive yourself because you don’t belong to yourself.
  • When you have missed the mark, there is a full provision in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for you to be forgiven.
  • If God forgives you, how dare you not forgive you? 
  • There will be no grace to forgive yourself if you do not treat the people you hurt in the right way.
  • Submit to the process of change that the Lord wants to bring.
  • There are things that seem perfectly innocuous but that trigger deadly events in our lives.

8 things you should do in forgiving yourself

  1. Recognise that the gospel made provision for you to be
    forgiven fully and continually.
  2. Repent before the Lord.
  3. Repent to anyone involved whom you hurt.
  4. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where you missed it.
  5. Recognise your fallenness; Renounce the shame, and
    celebrate His mercy.
  6. Trust in the grace of God and resist the devil.
  7. Invest in rebuilding what you destroyed, with others
    and in your own life
  8. Submit to the process of change that the Lord wants to bring into your life.

Watch the video and get a detailed explanation of each of these points.

Discover other teachings on Kingdom living:

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