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Why and how to forgive yourself p

Why and how to forgive yourself (PART 2)

Unless you are totally free in your heart and in your mind, you will not embrace all the possibilities that God has for your lives. In this teaching Pastor Bola Ogedengbe gives 8 simple principles to forgive oneself. We pray that as you go through these different steps, you will receive the clarity required and the power of the Holy Spirit will come upon you to set you free!

Why and how to forgive yourself (PART 2) Read More »

Powerful testimonies of divine intervention

Powerful testimonies of divine intervention (you cannot miss these)

Powerful testimonies of divine intervention in the lives of some precious brothers and sisters. See the stories of Olivia, healed of serious mobility problems, Hermite, powerfully healed of back pain and delivered of demonic spirit of death attacks, Olivier, thoroughly delivered from mind manipulation by a word of prophecy and empowered to renew his mind,

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