

Can we still believe the ‘miracles’ of the Old Testament?

Miracles! Why are preachers explaining away the Old Testament miracles? Because they are not experiencing any New Testament miracles. If God is doing now, then He did then. But if the now is sterile, the then is open to questioning. Those who say the days of miracles are past are doing a great disservice to

Can we still believe the ‘miracles’ of the Old Testament? Read More »

The key to pleasing God and living well at the same time

Life is about expectations. Every course of action, every decision awakens or is birthed by specific expectations. The Christian life is no different. Your expectations determine your outcome, so we must be careful to have the right expectations and when we do, the right attitude to make them reality. Let me explain. Many years ago

The key to pleasing God and living well at the same time Read More »

The non-conformism of Jesus or the way we began

I love the non conformism of Jesus. He surprised, He angered, He stunned people with His behaviour. He overturned tables everyone else felt comfortable with. He did not wash where the done thing was to do it, ostentatiously. He held forth about praying secretly rather than where everyone could see and marvel at your holiness. Then He came up with stuff about giving secretly, giving secretly, now what is that? How are people to know how amazing you are if you do not do your amazing stuff for all to see?

Strangely He did not seem to think that what people saw mattered as much as what God saw, and went on to add that your heavenly Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you openly. That’s good, but then He said if you do your good stuff to be seen by men, then their admiration is all the reward you’re getting, God considers you’ve had enough. That’s slightly less palatable. And some of us still choose the admiration of our peers over God’s approval.

So Jesus kicked against things people thought normal,

The non-conformism of Jesus or the way we began Read More »

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