6 ways to live a life worthy of Christ (partnering with God 2)

This is a message you must see and hear. It relates to the very foundation of your existence as a believer. In the previous article and message, we introduced the whole topic of partnering with God, what it is, and why it is necessary. And Paul, in writing to the Philippians gives us a picture of the lifestyle of a partner, one who lives in a manner worthy of Christ. It is not something vague or nebulous but concrete principles of life. He calls it living a life worthy of Christ. How then should we live? What do partners do beyond the commonly accepted financial investment in ministry? 

What is a life worthy of Christ?

Watch the video below and discover clear insights into living as partners, a life worthy of Christ. 

Philippians 1:27-30 (HCSB) says:

 Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind,j] working side by side for the faith that comes from the gospel, 28 not being frightened in any way by your opponents. This is a sign of destruction for them, but of your deliverance—and this is from God. 29 For it has been given to you on Christ’s behalf not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, 30 having the same struggle that you saw I had and now hear that I have.

Here are a few key points the apostle raised in this passage and that we examine in the video.

 1. Stand firm in one spirit and one mind

The ability to stand firm is essential for every believer, we must eschew the prevailing culture of weakness. The challenges before the church today are significant and without capacity, we will crumble. Not only are they to stand firm, but they must also do so together in one spirit and mind. Strength and unity, capacity and concord, these must characterise the church and every partner of the gospel.

. You cannot be a  partner with God, if you are not standing firm, because any little wind, and you are gone! Share on X

3. Work side by side for the faith that comes from the gospel

This is a call for cooperation in action. No one can do this alone. The Christian is called to work for God, not only enjoy and delight in blessings. He must be of service in and to the church.  His mandate is to do all that it takes to take the gospel to those who do not know Christ. We are all ministers.

4. Do not be frightened in any way by your opponents

Christianity has always attracted opposition. it is only in our day that we equate maximum blessing with minimal suffering. It is not and has never been so. There is thus a call for resoluteness, resolve and resilience. We must be fearless people who face down all opposition. Otherwise, we will not do the mandate of Christ.

5. Accept to suffer for Christ

Paul tells us that an immense privilege has been granted to us. What is that? A house in the Bahamas, a pied à terre in Knightsbridge? No, the privilege afforded us is to suffer for Christ. The prevailing thinking is that all suffering is done away with. Not so. Life is full of suffering, it is so much better to suffer for Jesus than to simply suffer from the fallenness of the world. We should not suffer for being evildoers or wrongdoers, but we are called to suffer for Christ (1 Peter 4:15-16),

Conflict is inevitable if we assiduously preach Christ in a hostile world. That is our sacred lot which we must embrace with delight. It marks us out as belonging to Christ. It is a part of our portion. Even the Lord Jesus told us that we would have tribulations in this world, but to be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world ( John 16:33). So we can see, that we are called to suffer for Christ.

A life worthy of Christ is one in which we accept opprobrium for the sake of Christ. That is the life of a true partner of the Gospel!

6. Keep going in the struggle

The apostle Paul went through a lot of struggles, and in Philippians 1:30, he is not only telling the Philippians, but the modern Christian as well, that we will go through struggles for the sake of Christ just like he did. And he kept going, and so do we, as true partners of the gospel. We are not authorised to withdraw and change sides.

It must permeate our being and abide in our consciousness that we are on this earth to work for Jesus.  We are not here to enjoy nice things furnished by Jesus, but to apply ourselves one way or another to the promotion of the cause of Christ, to the advancement of His gospel.

Watch the video and step out boldly as a true partner with God and with your local church in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

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