3 Reasons to believe God heals today.

Does God still heal today? Indeed He does! Here are 3 reasons to believe that God still heals today:

1 God does not change, He defines HImself as the God who heals

2 God ‘s Word brings healing.

3 Healing was an essential component of the mission of Jesus.  

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Reason 1. God does not change

The testimony of Scriptures reveal the fact that God is unchanging. He is the God who effects change in everything but Himself remains the same. He is constant. What He was He is, today and forever. The nature of God is not subject to change. He is the unchangeable changer as we say. God cannot get better, and He cannot get worse. He is as He is: immutable.

Healing is God doing good and good is inherent to His nature. It is not an occasional favour, it is the expression of His goodness. It is inherent to His personality. It is not an occasional act of mercy that we enjoy from time to time, it is fundamental to His being to do good, because He’s good.

Here is an important point. God is not just doing good; good is the expression of His goodness. Let’s break this down.

God is not simply doing good the way human beings will do good. For instance, someone goes to a Pastor and requests prayer. The Pastor feels like doing good and prays for them. But at some other time, the Pastor may feel tired and would rather go to sleep. They do not feel like doing good and the response is different.

God responds

God responds differently. The good that we see God doing is a natural expression of His Person, His nature, His character, that is who He is. It’s not just what He does. So when God says, “I am the God who heals you,” He is simply expressing His nature as the healer. So He was, and He still is. The fundamental truth we need to understand in the matter of healing is this: God is a healer. He is THE healer. It is not something He does, it is who He is.

So if we know that it is who He is, and we know that God does not change; we then say if He was the healer, He is still the healer. If He was good, He is still good. If He loved releasing good He is still releasing good and He is still loving it.

Do you see where I’m going with this? And so the understanding that He does not change is something that establishes confidence in us. That is why we can ask for things with boldness because we know that we are not trying to hoodwink Him, nor are we trying to arm twist Him. No one can persuade Him against His will or convince Him to do something that He would normally not do.

God is not reluctant to heal

Often people talk about healing, as if it was something God would rather not do. So you would need to cajole Him, pray in a certain way so encourage Him to show you mercy and do something which He would normally not do. There is need for a renewal of the mind as Romans 12 says. To receive healing, we must change our perspective and believe that God wants us healed.

Change your mind about healing

Romans 12 verse two. So it says: “Let God transform you into a new person, by changing the way you think.”

Do you see here, it’s not saying “be born again”? You are already born again. But you still need to be transformed by changing the way you think. For instance, you could be a person who does not believe that God heals people today. And then you allow Him to transform you into a new person who now believes that God heals people today, receives healing in their own body,  walks in good health, and who prays for the sick. That is transformation.

“So don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world. But let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

So we want to change the way we think in the matter of healing. It is a fight of faith.

What you believe about God matters

Psalm 100 verse five says this: “For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever and His faithfulness continues to each generation.”

Now this may seem to you to have nothing to do with healing, but you must understand, we don’t produce healing. Healing comes from God. And to receive it, there are certain things we need to believe and know about God. We must be fully confident of these things, so that we can easily pray for the sick and easily receive healing

This passage says that His love is unfailing. It is an inherent characteristic that cannot change. It is permanent. And it says here “it continues forever.” It doesn’t simply continue, but there is an endlessness in terms of the time frame.

Some will love you for a season. Their love doesn’t continue forever. But in the case of God, it says not only that His love is unfailing but that His love continues forever. And then it says this: ” His faithfulness continues to each generation.” We must grasp the permanence of the goodness of God and the acts of God.

Jesus is the same

In Hebrews 13 verse 8, we read this, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever”.

We could go through so many other Scriptures but what I want to leave with you is this simple fact – God does not change. He healed, He heals, He healed, He will heal! His ability to heal is undiminished and His willingness to heal is unchanging.

(Watch the video to get the two other reasons why you can believe that God heals today)

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