An Amazing Life – new book

If you are hungry to know God better and be considered by Him as His friend, this book is FOR you.

(The book an Amazing Life is available now. Read the synopsis below. If you signed up to be a reviewer, please scroll to the bottom of the page for links to leave your review)

Read the synopsis below.

Who is a friend of God? One man, Abraham, bore the enviable title of ‘friend of God’ from the mouth of God Himself. And he enjoyed immense benefits as a result. Those benefits, detailed in the book are available today for you as you choose to become a friend of God.

But how? How can you also enjoy such a depth of relationship? What was it in the man, imperfect though he was to warrant such an appellation?

With keen insight, the author takes us on an eye-opening meditation on the extraordinary life of Abraham to reveal why a mere man could be considered by God as a friend.

A book filled with hope, with clear insight and direction.

  • You will discover simple, straightforward and powerful keys to building a strong relationship with God.
  • You will learn  how to know God more deeply,
  • you will enjoy greater intimacy with Him and
  • experience a satisfying and delightful relationship with your heavenly Father.
  • You will live an amazing life.

In this book, Pastor Bola Ogedengbe, author, pastor and veteran teacher of the Word  answers the simple question: what does it mean to have a relationship with God that God likes?

Get your copy today.

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