Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-31

  • Back in Paris; truly Africa rocks, always has, always will. #
  • Reminiscing on Africa, the sights, smells, sounds and flavours of a continent pulsating with energy, passion and incredible faith. #
  • A Harvard Business Review article reports that women leaders are rated equal to men in every way save in casting vision. Thought provoking. #
  • At UNESCO’s ‘Africa Week’, brainchild of African Ambassadors; amidst exhibitions : South Africa showcasing 2010 World Cup facilities. Neat. #
  • I have found that those who bow low before God invariably walk tall before men. #
  • Happiness is so addictive, thankfully supplies are huge. #
  • So good the Holy Spirit came, so good; so very, very good. #
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