The summons to obedience (Part 2)

We are put on the earth as expressions of the character and nature of God. We are meant to be in concord with the Father. For us to be in concord with the Father, one of us has to adapt; and it is us who adapt to Him. Discover in the video and article below the dangers of disobedience and some practical prayer points to help you overcome it.


To walk in agreement with God and to be expressions of the goodness, the heart, the nature and the character of God in our generation, in our world, we must of necessity allow Him to change us, so that we are in harmony with Him and do what He wants.

In Matthew 7:21 , Jesus says,“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

Jesus makes it abundantly clear that our professions of faith are grossly inadequate. That our cries to Him are insufficient,  that the thing that touches His heart is our submission and obedience. “Oh Lord, oh Jesus, oh Father!” – irrelevant! But obedience, THAT is approved in heaven.  Jesus can say this because He is the embodiment of obedience. He is this example that we have, this perfect model that we have to follow. He of all people can require this of us because He modelled obedience.   When we realise that Jesus did the will of the Father, who are we not to do likewise? 

The day of reckoning is coming. The day is coming when every man will give an account of His obedience to God. Not of the works that he has done, but of his level of concord with the Spirit of God while he was on the earth. Every man will account for the measure of which he has allowed God to direct his existence. We are therefore enjoined to heed the warnings of Jesus so that we may enter the kingdom of heaven.

ln life we do not humour God; we honour God. The way many of us are living is in actual fact humouring Him. We do things for God without a heart, without a zeal, without a fire, without a passion that makes us say, “ah, I want to please my Father!” We do things just to get God off our backs; we humour Him. Obedience is not humouring God, obedience is honouring Him. 

In Matthew 7:26, Jesus says, But everyone who hears these words of Mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.”

We can see here that disobedience is idiocy, foolishness, stupidity and crass ignorance! Decide to be sensible and build your house on a solid foundation! 

Here are some prayer points found in this video to help you overcome disobedience, so that you may choose the narrow path and not end up in utter ruin and destruction:

  1. Father, I ask You for grace to love You to the point of total and absolute obedience. May my love and zeal for You overwhelm me to the point where I obey You. 
  2. Father I pray for the revelation of the narrow path and the grace to stay on it.
  3. Lord, sharpen my discernement, so that I may see very clearly

Here are some verses that will build up your faith where obedience is concerned:

  1. Psalm 119:2 (HCSB) Happy are those who keep His decrees and seek Him with all their heart. 
  2. James1:25 (NLT) But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.

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