The help of the Holy Spirit 3 – Doing (1)

Man is not an independent being. He must receive help from the realm of the spirit. We have that help, from the Holy Spirit. But are we maximising our possibilities in God? Previously, we explored how the Holy Spirit helps us by granting us access to knowledge. In the first article and video, we saw that He reveals foundational mysteries (watch here). And in the second, we explored the revelation of crucial life mysteries (watch here).

But there is more. The Holy Spirit not only helps us to see (know), He also helps us to do. Watch the video below and discover the magnificent world of action into which we enter thanks to the Holy Spirit. We are not incapacitated, we are certainly not helpless. We have been given a mandate for life and service and God has graciously given us His Spirit who empowers us to act. You will never again feel incapable.

One cannot overemphasise the importance of receiving the help of the Holy Spirit in our service to God. Jesus needed the Holy Spirit to succeed in the mission that the Father entrusted to Him on earth. Rather than complain and grumble as many believers do, ask for the Holy Spirit’s help.

The apostle Paul wrote: “For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13). Therefore not only does God give us the desire, but He also gives us the ability to do through the Holy Spirit. It is therefore incumbent upon every child of God to be productive and bear fruit.

More about the Holy Spirit:

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