The help of the Holy Spirit (2) – Revelation

The Holy Spirit, our great Helper grants us light. He gives us free access to spiritual understanding. In the previous article and video, we saw that the Holy Spirit opens us up to foundational mysteries through revelation

  • the mystery of God,
  • the mystery of the indwelling Christ,
  • the mystery of our divine calling, and
  • the mystery of divine power

Beyond the foundational mysteries, He also opens our eyes to see what is behind the mysteries of life. We face diverse mysteries daily in the circumstances of everyday life

  • Where should I live?
  • What church should I be in?
  • How do I serve the Lord effectively?
  • How do I choose my friends?
  • Who should I help and how can I help them?
  • My purpose, my children’s purpose, etc.

Watch the video and discover how to tap into these mysteries to effectively manage your life for Christ.

There is no excuse for staying ignorant. Life is mysterious but the revealer of mysteries is on our side. So develop your understanding of how the Holy Spirit communicates and you will no longer be disfavored in life.

May this video series mark a turnaround in your relationship with the Holy Spirit and in your service to the Lord.

More about the Holy Spirit:

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