The heady stuff of prayer

Sometimes prayer is seriously intoxicating. You are talking to …..GOD. Even wilder still,  He talks to you!!!!!!!!

He takes you into His world, suddenly you see, you see beyond the natural; you look beyond the physical, you step into a world of possibilities and hear the heart of the Infinite Being.

You see life, you see expansion, you see potential. Purity, truth, primary virtues envelop you and a glimpse of what it was like when the first man and woman walked with God with no darkness, disappointment, pain or evil marring their perspective.

And your heart flies out of your mouth as you vow to walk in this place of purity; as you determine to shun thoughts of evil, acts of unrighteousness, contemplation of iniquity, all that wars against this heady contemplation of the Master. You rush to extol His holiness, His omniscience, you plead with eager desire to never be allowed to leave this place in Him.

Heady stuff, and all because the only One who was free of the limitations of sin allowed Himself to be made sin for those mired in it; that those ones may now be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; that they may then live that deep, intense communion sin had cut them off from.

Prayer then is practical experience of theological truth.


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