This is our 5 to 6 week

This is a happy week for Abba House. It’s our 5 to 6 week. Beginning last Sunday and up to next Sunday, as a church we are getting up every morning and praying from 5am till 6am. We are asking God for our nation, we are praying for specific people to be connected with God, so we give up some sleep and why not?

I am thoroughly enjoying it, my prayer times have been more dynamic than before. It gets me up an hour earlier than my normal 6am wakeup prayer time and it feels like three hours earlier but it is soooo good. Funny thing i always wake up before the alarm, in fact sometimes, most of the night i am not sleeping, praying out of my spirit. It makes me think, something is definitely up.

I love to pray. After receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit as a new believer, i went home and spent the whole afternoon alone and spoke in tongues for hours, it was a brand new world of spiritual dynamism that i had not previously known. I was elated. Then i joined a church that held daily prayer meetings, people could go any day of the week and pray, and i did. Prayer has since become a strong part of my life with varying degrees of intensity over the years.

I love to teach people to pray. Everybody can pray powerfully and beautifully. Some people are lazy and never do, some are complacent, others are ignorant. I do not wish to be any of those. When we have a permanent location, we shall have prayer going daily morning and evening, people will be able to come in early in the morning to pray and every evening they will also be able to gather to pray.

It will be a privilege for me to raise up people who enjoy God’s company, who love to talk to Him and listen to Him. I encouraged everyone to remember that the time is 5 to 6, it is not a prayer chain, so they do not have leave to say, no, i can’t get up at 5 i will do mine at 7, no, 7 does not count. And of course those who wish can go on past 6am, i always do, one hour is rather short.

Truly there is just such a beauty to know that we are all, at the same time, albeit in our different homes, crying out to the Father together.; we are offering Him a symphony, building the unity of the church and declaring our desire to see Him do great things among and through us as one body. Magnificent!

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