Steps of joy

If you are ever looking for me in heaven you will find me sitting with Paul the apostle discussing the book of Ephesians (or perhaps Romans, or perhaps, well, never mind). The point is that the man had a revelation of God that must surely be sweeter still as we dwell in the presence of the Master and savour the wonders of Him. And one that can never be exhausted, even in eternity.

Perhaps it’s part nostalgia, but as we near the end of our nearly six month study of the book of Ephesians, I could almost hang up my preaching robes, sally fort to meet Paul, sit with Him to listen as he expounds on these truths that have nourished generations of believers; hence carry the discussion into eternity. No I most certainly do not have a death wish, but the Bible does make it clear that the family here on earth and out there in heaven is one and the same.

The point is that these truths of God’s word just eat into you so much that you cannot get enough of them. And as usual I think I am more blessed by what I preach than my listeners are. I have literally been having the time of my life preaching this series. I lean, you read, you meditate, you chew on these truths and you just get thoroughly excited; then you preach them and get even more excited. You try to sit still but you find yourself jumping up and preaching, to…God. Has to be, He’s the only one there.

The greatness of what God planned for us in Christ is staggering and startling; and in the light of that it seems churlish to refuse him anything and to live for ought but His pleasure. And that is what comes out so beautifully in the second part of the book, what we are to do, in view of what He has already done. It makes obedience a privilege, not an imposition. And as we mount steps of obedience, we mount steps of joy.


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