
I stepped into the early morning bible class on Sunday as they were concluding the class and i just had time to glimpse the final part of my video teaching on Jesus as i spoke of the preincarnate, the incarnate and postincarnate Christ. Because we know His divinity we may despite all our trumpeting of His miracles underestimate the greatness of the power He deployed here on earth. Too much familiarity with the text may dull our sense of wonder at the awesomeness of what His physical presence on earth must have been.
Something of that was mercifully brought home forcefully to me again as I read in the gospel of Mark chapter 6 as Jesus went about His business and people everywhere in the villages, the cities, the marketplaces came and laid the sick out before him so that they could simply touch the tassel, the edge of his robe and be healed. Someone must have been talking about the woman with the issue of blood who got her healing that way, and she was not the only one. The passage says that all who did, that is, all who touched the edge of His robe were healed. Startling.

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