‘Spirit Conference’ this Pentecost, with Dr Charles Ndifon – Join us online

One of the primary indications given about Jesus when He was on earth is that He would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. As we approach Pentecost, it is time to reflect again on the supreme importance of God the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit is God with us, Jesus with us. As Jesus neared the end of His life, He spoke at length to His disciples but they had difficulty grasping His thinking. But He gave them a promise, that they would receive the Holy Spirit and He would remind them of those things, teach them all they needed to know and guide them into all truth.

The Holy Spirit continues this work today. His presence is an offer of revelation, insight, counsel and knowledge. He is the Spirit of truth. Knowing the Holy Spirit, living in communion with the Holy Spirit, receiving help from the Holy Spirit, being led by the Holy Spirit, this must constitute the daily life of the Christian. It is our guarantee of successful living in line with divine direction.

As a Person, the Holy Spirit is very present in our lives. And He has always been so, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. However, today, we have a privileged relationship with Him, and if we ignore this relationship, we run the risk of living outside the will of God far beneath our full divinely granted potential and destiny.

There is so much that only the Holy Spirit knows and can reveal to us. How many times in our lives have we heard a word from the Holy Spirit, a Scripture He brought to our mind, an instruction, etc, that spared us years of torment and hardship. We can never overemphasize the role and importance of God the Holy Spirit. The extraordinary thing about Him is that He is not God’s messenger, but He is God himself.

Join us this weekend for the Spirit Conference. We’re going to have Apostle Charles Ndifon from the United States with us. He is a man with long experience in the ministry of healing and miracles. He will tell us about the Holy Spirit and the healing anointing. Invite your friends too for this time of refreshing. I will be speaking on the Spirit of revelation and the knowledge of God. We are believing for God to powerfully release His prophetic word. Last year’s conference was remarkable and I am confident that this one will be as well.

Go to the event page here

Pr. Bola Olivia Ogedengbe
Dr Charles Ndifon (English service with simultaneous interpretation)

Date:  30/31 May 2020

French service – 10am daily
English service – 6pm daily

LIVE Online:

Site: theophiluscompany.org
Facebook : PrBolaOged
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YouTube : Passion for God
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Site : compagnietheophile.org/
YouTube: Église Abba House et Passion pour Dieu
Facebook: La Compagnie Théophile L.C.T / Pasteur Bola Olivia Ogedengbe
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