Some exciting news!

I have some very exciting news. As you may know, this year I have published two books in French, in fact the second French one Le Feu de Dieu is recently published; and friends and family have been asking ‘what about English’?

The good news is that the next English book will be out God willing by the first of October. And this one is on friendship with God, it is called AN AMAZING LIFE.

If you will sign up as a reviewer, you can get an ecopy for free. A reviewer is someone who is already an Amazon customer and who will give an unbiased review on Amazon the week the book is published.

For more information on being a review, click here : ARC

Here is a snippet of the Introduction :

“There is something remarkable about youth – dreams. Given the right conditions, our minds soar to unimaginable heights. We envision great things for which we were made, remarkable things we are meant to achieve. As far back as I can remember I have always had great aspirations. I always felt I was supposed to live for something great. And there were dreams aplenty. But nothing prepared me for the stunning reality of what God had planned for me even before I knew Him. He wanted to make me His friend and not me alone.

Indeed, an invitation into divine intimacy is an unimagined consequence of faith in Christ. Many come to the Lord in search of divine help. Many come looking for answers to existential questions. Others come in search of love. Friendship with God rarely features on our agenda. However, we heartily rejoice that we now have a friend in Jesus. He is a true Friend indeed, who knows us, loves us and understands us. It is an amazing truth and is often all that we receive. Yet, it is only the beginning of something more. And that something is the point of this book.”

(Next blog post will be a longer excerpt)

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