This message is an urgent message for the church and for your life. One day in prayer, the Lord dropped something in my spirit on the composition of the church. It led to a mini-series on different kinds of individuals in the church. There are lazy ones, predators, parasitical ones, mere participants and true partners. It led to a more extensive series on partnering with God.
Every human being wants to live a life of significance, but many people are frustrated because they do not see the reason for their existence. The purpose for which God has put us here and left us here after we came to Christ, is to partner with Him to advance the cause of Christ on the earth.
Many do not know that so they remain dissatisfied and flee the very thing that should be their purpose for living. They get overwhelmed with life, busy with work, and caught up with blessings. And an entire life is wasted even while testifying of the goodness of God. Watch and discover why and how to become a partner in the gospel.
Best quotes:
“The cry of my heart is … to see men and women whose hearts are bound to the Master.”
“Truly partnering with God is not just sending money to a ministry. It is putting your whole life into the work of God.”
“God has a purpose that is superior to any human aspiration.”
“A partner is a person who understands the mission of Christ on the Earth.”
“It is not the challenge we face that is the problem. It is our inability to face the challenge that is the problem!”

“The cry of my heart is … to see men and women whose hearts are bound to the Master.”
“We can be Christians and waste our lives on the same futilities that occupy those who do not call the name of Christ.”
“We can be Christians and die miserable deaths because we have lived selfish lives.”
“God has graciously given us a higher purpose.”
“The reason for which God has put us here ….is to partner with Him to advance the cause of Christ on the earth.”
“Make up your mind that you are going to devote your life to that for which Christ gave His life.”
“What marks you out as one who is pleasing the Lord, … is your commitment to the mission of Christ.”