Nice things that have happened to you lately

Still basking in the glow of some nice things that happened to me lately :

  • I was given a beautiful long stemmed pink rose that is now gracing my table in my famed Bulgarian vase. The wrapping was so beautiful i was loth to remove and throw it away.
  • Renée called to thank and encourage me and said she was praying for me, as she often does
  • I was received like royalty at my hotel on arrival last night. it is so nice when you travel as much as I do, to go to places where they greet you by name, say welcome back and do not require an identification when you check in because they know you.
  • An old friend paid me a sweet compliment, his exact words were ‘you still are, arguably the most beautiful person on this planet’ and i concurred, who wouldn’t. Don’t believe what they say, flattery will get you everywhere.

What about you, what are some nice things that have happened to you lately?

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