More stories of the goodness of God

Sometime ago on Passion for God we showcased a few testimonies. We talked about stories of the goodness of God.  And we are back with some powerful stories today! We ended recently a 21-day fast, and we had amazing testimonies of the divine intervention in people’s lives, and we like to talk about these stories of what God is doing.

In the story of the woman at the well in John Chapter 4, Jesus encountered this woman whose lifestyle was not what it ought to be, but her encounter with Jesus completely transformed her life.  Jesus talks to this woman and shows her who He is and draws her to Him. What we find is that she is completely transformed, she becomes an evangelist and she goes and brings in people from her town Sychar to come and encounter Jesus.  She is completely changed, her thinking is completely changed.

Our stories today are a testimony of what we have taught in the series, ‘The Great Harvest’. In the same way that the Samaritan woman’s life and thinking were changed, the stories in the video below testify of changed mindsets, revelation and even healing and employment! Be blessed by what the Lord is doing in the lives of people in France!

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