How demons enter people – ancestral wickedness

Generational access points

Demonic activity in the life of an individual begins with a door of access. To become and remain free, the door of access must be found and shut. there are different types of doors that allow the forces of darkness to influence, infest, dominate, oppress or possess a person. We look in this programme at generational access doors. These are circumstances that are not within the purview of a person, these are connected to parents and ancestors.

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Ancestral wickedness

Some of these circumstances occur before birth, others in childhood, and in some cases, these are things that characterise an entire family or community.
One such door of access is ancestral wickedness. By this we mean ancestral evil occult activities from previous generations. These may involve direct parents, grandparents or more distant ancestors. Ancestral wickedness includes idolatry, magic, divination, occult covenants, etc.
Then there is negative inheritance caused by occult activity or a curse against the ancestors and all their descendants. Watch the programme and download the prayers to close ancestral demonic open doors.

Click below to download the prayers.


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