Hounding the dreamers

One day a young man had a dream, and then another dream, and they got him into trouble. People hated him for them and did him great evil. But later the very people who gave him hell were saved because of his persistence to follow his dreams, the very dreams for which they hated him. Sometimes people don’t like you to be different from them, they cannot accept that you see what they don’t see, that you refuse to accept the status quo, that you dream of something better and greater than where you all are.

Sometimes we are the ones who excoriate the dreamers, because they annoy us, they call us into question, they make us feel there is something wrong with us; and we dissociate from them, call them names, and laugh at them, especially when it seems their dream is not working out. Joseph’s brothers must have had a good laugh after they got rid of him; and for a while it seemed that he would never make it, every time he seemed to be getting along fine, something came to push him down again. But he did not let go.

The interesting thing though is that it was their association with the dreamer they hated that eventually saved his brothers and the rest of his family. We need to be careful about joining the mockers to hound a dreamer. Some people do not fit into the mould, so be it, it takes those odd people to propel us all into a new level. The person you dissociate from today because they are different, do things differently, whatever, may be the one who carries a blessing for you from the Lord.

If people have not done you evil, beware of condemning them because others are doing so, beware of cutting yourself off from those ones who are walking in God’s dream. It may not look like they are all that today, but surely as the sun rises, so will come a day when God will fulfill their strange dreams and lift up their heads, you may then be glad that you kept faith with them, otherwise, pray that they be a Joseph, and be very forgiving.

Rather connect yourself with those strange, odd people who dream the impossible, who refuse mediocrity, who believe God can and will do great things through them. You have nothing to lose. You have a lot to gain. When little people laugh, those who know God smile, because they are seeing the invisible. See the invisible.


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