God is not a beggar

God is not a beggar, begging us for our attention and our service. Our problem is we do not realize that we owe Him; we are consumed with a sense of entitlement. We live convinced that everything is supposed to be to our convenience, we are the heroes of our own story, yet we live in God’s story and everything is supposed to work out to His convenience. Failing to realize this we become Christians and we become singers and not worshippers, dancers and not praisers.
We need to recover or perhaps discover the sense of the greatness of the gospel and of all that God is and has done for the totally undeserving, that is us. I pray that as a minister God will give me the ability to communicate fully and the anointing to impress deeply on hearts the extent of the goodness of God to us and the debt that we owe to Him. As that takes root in us then and only then do we become worshippers and not singers, praisers and not dancers, servants and not volunteers, to the ultimate glory of our God.

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