Get ready to see the ‘unexpected’ goodness of God

When Job finally came to understand the greatness of God, he exclaimed in Job 42:5  (NIV)My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you’.

When it seems in your life that God’s ways are inscrutable, He may be preparing you for more victories than you can conceive of. No you will not experience the affliction of Job, but we all face challenges in life. Sometimes it may even be some apprehension in obeying divine instructions, fear of what may or may not happen; you love God but… Yet on the other side of your obedience are treasures beyond your wildest imagining.

When the Holy Spirit dealt with me about going into ministry full time, and gave me the timeframe to do it, I was convinced it was the right thing to do and I did it. It was a challenge as I had no one I could lean on but God. I have never regretted the decision. There has been a multiplication of the anointing, a spectacular soaring in my life of prayer and a radical change in the spiritual vibrancy of the ministry. That would have been enough justification for the decision.

However, what He did not tell me, was that the grace to write was coming on me in a big way. Many years ago, He had asked me to lay down my ambition to write, and I had. It was one of the most difficult acts of surrender I have ever done. So when in January 2015 He began to insist I write, I obeyed. Two books have been published and the third is going through final reading and will, God willing, go to press in September 2016. And indeed, I cannot but exclaim to the Lord: ‘My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you’.

I want to encourage you to take whatever step God is laying on your heart, not only will He fulfill His promises, He will surprise you with good things you never expected.  As someone who has experienced the tremendous grace of God in this area, I will join with you in prayer that God will give you the strength to carry whatever He has entrusted to you and that you will enjoy the fullness of His grace. Use the contact form to write me if you want me to join with you in prayer.

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