From desires to manifest reality

I am very touched by the goodness of God, by the kindness of the Lord. He is totally pure, wonderful and loving, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. When you pore over the new covenant, you get a profound picture of the loveliness of God’s heart towards people. He wants to help, He wants to save, He is conscious of the human condition. It was His idea to destroy the devil’s yoke over mankind and to give him the capacity and authority to prevail over the devil. You must settle in your heart that God is good and He is your ally.

Secondly their is a devil and he is evil. Whatever you know or do not know about him, know this, evil is a reality and it is personified and its attacks are also personified, tailor made to you. Against him and his minions you, as a believer have the power to stand, and are commanded to stand. You are given by God the means to overcome and to stand firm. These means are different from the ones you employed, in vain, before knowing Christ.

If we have God on our side, and the means to prevail, why do we often not prevail? Because many are unaware of the extent of the problem, out of lack of revelation or teaching, and attribute it to other causes, namely human; many are rebellious and will not deal with the problem using the means provided by God, because it will involve a change to their ways; many are lazy and foolish and just hope it will go away, it does not. What is guaranteed is that for those who will believe and follow God’s word on the matter, the outcome is victory, righteousness, peace and joy.

Engaging in a battle that is already won is fun, it is fun because I have chosen to play by the rules. And one of the rules is prayer, that steady communication with God where He clears my mind and fills it with His thoughts, where He conveys to Him the majesty of His Person that fills me with confidence, where I honour the One who is above all, where I present my petition for assistance and receive help, where I oppose the one who will accuse and destabilise me and destroy his evil purposes, prayer, where God’s desires are invited to become manifested reality and do.


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