Financial turmoil and divine quietude

The recent turmoil on the financial markets is reason to pause and consider the transience of human endeavours and the fickleness of the human institutions we put our trust in. Much has been said about the lack of responsibility of the players and the need for greater regulation. Certainly, appropriate steps must be taken to curb the excesses of the market and the players themselves. In one fell swoop, the seemingly stable, unbeatable colossi of the market came tumbling down.

Whether we like it or not, money dominates the lives of most people. They spend most of their waking hours working for it. Indeed the Bible has a lot to say about money, the attitude towards it and the use of it. The love of money is said to be the root of all evil. Our heart atittude to money is key. God lays down principles of tithing, giving, generosity that if applied in our lives will break the love of money, destroy avarice and position us to walk in the provision of God.

The Bible says our first use of our money must be to honour God, bring ten percent of it into his house; We are also encouraged to make freewill offerings. This bringing of our finances onto God also brings them under God’s dominion and protection. He has endless ressources stored up. Yet because of the condition of our hearts, many would refuse this and exclusively place their trust in property, in the financial markets, and in man-made protection systems. It is possible to invest, (ethically), grow your business, prosper financially while putting God first in all things.

That is the reason why Jesus said not to lay up treasure in the earth where moths and thieves  operate but trather o lay up our treasures in heaven where thieves do not break in and moths do not prey. It is in being generous towards God that we know where our priorities lie. And He concludes with this extraordinary phrase, ‘for where your treasure is there will your heart be’. In other words your money is not only a reflection of your heart, it also directs your affections.

As we contemplate the carnage on the financial markets, let us remind ourselves that everything can be shaken, let us bring correction to our lives in the areas where we have given more credence to human systems than to the Word of God. The only secure and eternal truth is God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, and our money, as the rest of our lives must be under God’s dominion. No matter how attractive our systems are, always remember, ‘the giant has feet of clay’.

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