Doing good by cultivating the fear of God

We know that we are saved by grace because we do not deserve to be saved due to the wickedness of our hearts. And now that we are saved by grace, God in His goodness wants to transform our hearts so that we will become good and do good.

Our lives must be pleasing and useful to God. They must fulfil His will and not only satisfy our needs. This is of utmost importance because we as believers think that we live well when our needs are met. Not so We live well when the desires of God are satisfied through our lives. If our lives are to be spiritually significant, then they must be pleasing and attractive to Him.

We must be giving to Him continually. When we are first saved, we give Him worthless and useless lives. We give Him lives destined for an eternity without God. He takes that life and He wants to transform it so that daily our lives will offer Him something fragrant and pleasing. He wants lives that will emulate Jesus, by doing good continuously.

Doing good by cuiltivating the fear of God.

Jesus did good because of the goodness in Him, He was free of selfishness, wickedness and indifference.   There are many believers today who are indifferent to the good of the church or of anyone else besides themselves  We must challenge ourselves to shift our focus from our needs to God’s desires. Ask yourself this ‘What does God want? How can I be like Jesus in this area?

We must challenge ourselves to shift our focus from our needs to God's desires. Share on X

Jesus was very different. Today we are shocked at the blasphemous things that some people write about Jesus because we know that He had moral excellence. His faculties were devoted to doing good. He had astounding moral virtue, His character agreed with the will of God. The world is looking for people who have moral excellence. Why don’t you decide to be a model of moral excellence?

We should not only be telling people what to do, but we must also show them through our lives, the quality of the life that we received in Christ. This is extremely important. We have been more focused on upgrading our lives rather than upgrading our hearts. We focus on changing our environment, the circumstances in which we live, and not on changing our character.

Moses was going to choose his elders, one condition was a primary condition. They had to be men who feared God. And that condition seems to have disappeared from the church. And we have a culture in the church today that seems to give the impression that God is being quite unreasonable by expecting certain standards from us. Never before have we seen a generation so unwilling to live Gods way.

And we have a culture in the church today that seems to give the impression that God is being quite unreasonable by expecting certain standards from us. Share on X

In many instances, we have not made up our minds that we are going to live lives of moral excellence but we want to comment on the lifestyle of non-believers. We cannot tell people what to do when we don’t demonstrate that those things are doable.

Jesus told us pray, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. They are not giving bribes in heaven. Some may say you do you know where I live. It’s not about where we live but where we belong; we belong to the kingdom.

Doing good by cuiltivating the fear of God.

How do we get to live a life of moral excellence?

We need to decide to return to God.

We need to cultivate the fear of God. If there is one thing that we need to choose to do, it is to begin once again to create cultivate the fear of God.

Back to Moses and his elders. They had to be able men, God-fearing and, men who hate bribes. That speaks volumes. Many people want to be leaders in the church but they neither fear God nor hate evil. And yet, Matthew 102.8 says not to fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul, rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

2 Cor 7.1

Therefore, dear friends, since we have such promises. Let us cleanse ourselves from every impurity of the flesh, and spirit, completing our sanctification in the fear of God.

We need to repent of wickedness.

And some people almost want to persuade you against the Word. It used to be that when you did wicked things you would hide them from your pastor now they boldly go up to the Pastor and affirm their right to live in whatever ungodly fashion they have chosen. We need to repent.

Doing good by cuiltivating the fear of God.

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