Curtain down on 2009 – happy, yet desperate for God

Last impressions of 2009 the feeling of the happiness of God. As I prayed this morning I found myself declaring out of my spirit how happy I was, happy that God was having His way and things going according to His plan. I felt tremendous joy in the heart of Father God. I stopped and began to think how exciting it is to work with and for God. He is extraordinarily positive and confident.

Many months ago as we were working out cumbersome arrangements and speakers’ schedules for PARAKLETOS 2010 our upcoming Prayer Convention, I was beginning to get slightly frazzled, what with work and all the travelling I was doing, wondering why I was taking on this additional burden. Then the Lord spoke to my heart, He reminded me that He had told me to call a holy convocation. Did I intend to be there, I said ‘yes Lord, I will be there’, then He said well, so do it. That settled it.

I realized all the stuff I was fussing about was of no consequence, so long as I obeyed and did what I was told to do. It blessed me. God has indeed granted us tremendous favour, we are blessed with some awesome gifts of God to speak at the conference. Yet after that conversation, God has deeply imprinted into my psyche the fact that He is not impressed with any of the stuff that matters to us. He is not impressed with our pedigree, only with our submission and obedience..

I know if I am obedient, whatever else happens, whoever else comes, God will come. And that is the only reason why we are doing this, the manifest presence of God. It’s an obsession with me. It’s the reason we fast and spend so much time in prayer before Parakletos. And God always comes, and takes us to a much higher place in the Spirit. At the end of it all, I always marvel and am truly humbled.

And so I am tremendously happy, because sensing the joy in Father’s heart, I believe He’s going to show up again. And yet I am desperate for the presence of God, desperate for that place in God where no music can take you, no prophecy can take you, no preaching can take you, where none of our bombast can take you, where only the pleasure of God on you and on your offering can bring you to.

Whatever else happens, whoever else comes, Father if you will come, I shall be thoroughly satisfied.

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