craving the supernatural

It’s midnight, i have just returned from the first prayer meeting of the year and cannot get to sleep. I am absolutely excited and flabbergasted. Tonight i saw God move powerfully in a completely unexpected fashion. On my way home i kept thinking that if this is the way God intends to continue we are in for a truly extraordinary year. As Christians we often talk things down because we do not see very much out of the ordinary happen; i found myself thinking that if God will do this sort of thing regularly then what is to stop us going to the highways and byways expecting people to get zapped by God.

As rational beings we often seek to be persuaded by logic. Yet there is in every man a craving for the supernatural because we are supernatural beings and i, though always eager and willing to still explain to people the reasonableness of the christian faith, am always open for God to do something totally dramatic to them to shake their complacency and show them that there is more than the visible, the natural and the seemingly logical.

Since the end of last year different ones in Abba House have been having deep encounters with the Holy Spirit; we tend to generally live in that place of acute sensitivity to His presence and it’s been good, but i want more. Tonight was for me a portend of things to come. And we will keep going for more. The presence of God is addictive, at least I’m addicted. Church is not church unless God shows up. That the God of glory and majesty will make His presence felt among His people is a thing i cannot cease to marvel at.

I am convinced that we can build a church around the manifest presence of God, not on music, on showmanship or gimmicks; I am convinced that it is possible to raise a body of believers that are not in church for the nice music or the ‘vision’ or their friends or because it’s the new ‘in’ place in churchland, but are in church because they acutely crave God and can’t get enough of Him and consequently can’t stop assembling together to worship, honour, serve and experience Him together. Surely it must be possible to raise a body of believers utterly captivated by Christ and who live exclusively for His Person; because if we do, we will truly be a place on the earth where His glory abides and not just visits.

That’s where we’re headed in 2009. Help us Father.

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