Book: How Would Jesus Vote?

In the emotionally charged atmosphere of the 2008 American presidential election, ‘How Would Jesus Vote’ is a book that takes on the issues head on. Dr Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe offer, not so much a choice between ideologies, a choice between political parties, or a choice between candidates, rather an assessment of the hot button issues of our time and their own perspective of what the Bible would teach us about these.

While each reader will have their own perspective on what the authors have to say and the conclusions arrived at, yet one must recognise in this book a genuine and noteworthy effort to bring Christians out of the nebulous world of irrational party loyalty to a genuine biblical understanding of what should motivate their vote. Indeed many believers vote for persons whose worldview radically differs from theirs, no questions asked, and this election is no exception.

The coverage is impressive – health care, immigration, the judiciary, abortion, stem cell research, the death penalty, education, the economy, marriage, war, the environment, etc. That the, oh so thorny issue of global poverty is left out is a pity, and the overall treatment of immigration is to me unsatisfactory. Overall the conclusions are not surprising, but the analysis is worth the read.

Finally, the authors make a strong case for believers to get involved in the culture, the political process and not bow to liberal intimidation. This is definitely a welcome tome, may it get into the hands of curious believers.

Author Bio: (from publishers)

Jerry Newcombe is senior producer for Coral Ridge Ministries television and has produced or coproduced more than fifty documentaries. The host of two weekly radio shows, he has also been a guest on numerous television and radio talk shows. He is the author or coauthor of more than fifteen books.

Dr. D. James Kennedy is one of the most trusted and recognized Christian leaders of our time. The senior minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, he is the featured preacher on television’s “The Coral Ridge Hour” and radio’s “Truths That Transform”, syndicated on over one thousand stations throughout the U.S. The founder and president of Evangelism Explosion International and chancellor of Knox Theological Seminary, he is the author of more than sixty books, including the bestselling What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?

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