A birthday meditation – living on divine approval

One year on, healthy, strong, on fire for God, to God be the glory. Birthdays are times of meditation on the road travelled, times of seeking God for direction for the year ahead. Today has been no exception. The most delightful thing that happened to me today is that during my time of prayer, God spoke two things to my heart about my life that He was pleased with. On hearing the second one, I wept like a child.

The entire world may approve you, but when God smiles on you, you feel like you have walked into a house of endless treasures. You are conscious that you have truly been seen, known, understood and loved.

We must continually seek to know how God perceives our lives. We can miss our way by giving undue weight to the opinion of people who never once gave us a minute of prayer. Such people tend to be excessively vocal and opinionated. Anyone who does not pray for you should not be directing your life.

[tweetthis url=”http://wp.me/phxHx-zi” display_mode=”box” remove_hidden_urls=”true”]We can miss our way by giving undue weight to the opinion of people who never once gave us a minute of prayer.[/tweetthis]

I can speak from experience that God has often had me travel routes that mystified many. And when I was not listening carefully, although I obeyed I did so in anguish that I may be wrong because so many thought I was heading for a dead end. However, when I listened it was in strength that I went against the grain.


highway-1009289_1280Some of us are not called to travel the constructed highways of life but to forge a road through uncharted forests and turn them into a highway for those coming behind us. Hearing a voice behind us saying ‘this is the way, walk in it’ becomes an imperative, without which we founder and settle into the company of idlers, dawdlers and highway leisure cruisers. That is not your portion.

May the Lord speak to you, may you know what He approves and flee what He disapproves. Shalom!

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