2009 still time to make it great

Time only crawls, said a perfect stranger to me yesterday in the hallway of the new Jacques Delors building in Brussels, when you are at work, but the lunch break simply flies past. I smiled , musing on the fact that that’s the way most of us think of time, think of life, and think of our year. But if you look carefully, you will notice that every single day has 24 hours in it, and they go by at the same pace, invariably. And would you believe we are already halfway through 2009? Which means that we have already gone through 181 days, about 4344 hours, and have just 184 to go. The question is what have we done with it?

What we do with our time says a great deal about who we are, and even more about who we will succeed in becoming. I have met many people who live under the illusion of busyness because they are incapable of setting priorities. Sometimes we let other people set the agenda and waste time over irrelevant things. Learn to maximize your time and ensure added value, choose to invest it wisely. Invest it in the right pursuits, the right thoughts and in the right people. The choice is yours, what do you spend your time doing, what do you spend your time thinking about, and who do you spend your time with? Choose activities that move you towards your purpose, think thoughts that prepare you for your purpose, jettison the negativity and the complaining, and choose people in your life who enhance your purpose and not detract for it.

Friends there are 184 days left in 2009, there is still time to make them great.

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