The help of the Holy Spirit 4 – Doing (2)

Man is helpless without the Holy Spirit. He is the enabler and empowered of the church and of the individual believer. And it has been quite a journey exploring the help of the Holy Spirit in the previous videos. We have scaled the heights of the revelation, first, of foundational mysteries (watch here) and secondly of life mysteries (watch here). Then we have excavated the depths of Holy Spirit help in action as He enables us to do (watch here), Don’t miss the captivating explanation of how He helps us to pray and to witness.

Watch the video below and discover two more aspects of the tremendous help we receive from the Holy Spirit in doing the will of the Father.

You can receive help from the Holy Spirit as our Master Jesus did. Acts 10.38 says that He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power and went about doing good and healing all those oppressed of the devil. Do you know you can do that too?

How does the Holy Spirit help us?

The Holy Spirit empowers us to heal and to work wonders. The Holy Spirit helps you to execute divine instructions and accomplish every divine task. This video goes in-depth about the help of the Holy Spirit in accomplishing divine tasks and in doing works of power. Powerful.

We must not remain ignorant. There are extraordinary possibilities available for us. Jesus is offering you His capacity if you learn to cooperate with God the Holy Spirit. Lean on the Spirit of the Living God.

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