June is our Water Month. We are relaunching our drinking water project we initially began at Christmas. The Water for Life decade was inaugurated by the UN in 2005 with a view to reducing by half the number of people worldwide with no access to drinking water. But why is water such a big deal?
Here are a few facts:
- “Safe water is fundamental to human life, yet more than 1 billion people do not have access to it.” (UNICEF)
- More people die each year from drinking dirty water than from the world’s hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined.
- Nearly 90 percent of all diseases in the world are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene. Every year,2.2 million die of diarrhoea as a direct result of drinking contaminated water; — the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing every day. (LWT)
- Every year, 1.9 million children under five die from water-borne diseases – over 5000 children each day (UNICEF)
- At any one time, half of the developing world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from water-related diseases. (UN)
- Over half of all schools worldwide lack safe water and sanitation, jeopardizing the health and education of millions of schoolchildren in particular girls to whom falls the arduous task of collecting water. (UNICEF)
- In Uganda, on average, households spend 660 hours a year collecting water. This represents two full months of labour, with attendant opportunity costs for education, income generation, and female leisure time. (UNDP)
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What can we do?
Some will say, let the governments handle it. You and I can choose to get involved.
We can be our brothers’ keeper, we can give money to provide water wells with pumps for whole communities, thus contributing to the survival of children and adults. All monies donated to our fund will go to LWI a charity that digs wells worldwide. Let’s stand together and make a difference.
Our initial target is 5,000 dollars to provide a small well with a pump for one community and we ask you to join us. You may donate securely via this page. Your donations go directly to the association.
To donate any amount click on : http://www.firstgiving.com/theophiluscompany
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Thank you for being a part of this.