Tribute to Wynne Lewis – a prince and a great man

wynnelewis_thumbI am interrupting my day’s activity to write this short post on Wynne Lewis. I have just received the news that he is being buried today. Wynne Lewis is of those one can truly, without fear of contradiction describe as a giant, “a prince and a great man”, as he was referred to in this post. He was for many years pastor of Kensington Temple my home church in the UK many years ago as a new believer, before moving to France. He will be remembered for the astounding growth of  KT from some 500 people to over 9,000. He later went on to head the Elim churches.

Wynne Lewis was a leader, a great leader, but more than anything a father. I have fond, indelible memories of the rare occasions when he came to minister in the Paris KT church i was a part of. I had occasion to enjoy the privilege of interpreting for him and receiving prayer and ministry from him. Not long ago i was still thinking about a prophetic word he gave me once and mulling over God’s awesome ways in my life. He was a huge blessing to many.

He was a model of simplicity. He was not the bow before me, i am the great man of God type. After the service Pastor Wynne would stay on and talk to us, he always had a story or a joke to tell. He was great company. He was fun to interpret, and fun to hang out with after the service. He treated everyone well, he was pleasant. I loved those moments, watching him made you like what he did, it seemed so simple. Yet he was a man of strong convictions.

We will miss Wynne Lewis. At a time when many in the church are calling good evil and evil good, when there is a dearth of integrity and kind yet strong leadership, he will be missed. His wisdom and experience was invaluable, he was a great encourager. We are the poorer without him. But he is the richer without us as he has finally walked into the embrace of the One that he devoted his life to loving, honouring and serving.

Would that we all, at the sunset of our lives receive the kind of thankful, grateful eulogy that is Wynne Lewis’s today. And would that many who have benefited from his leadership and kindness over the years will today rise up and step into his shoes to mentor and father the next generation.

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