Think big

A respected leader spoke in our church recently and turned to me and said ‘who do you think you are, people must say that to you a lot ‘who do you think you are?’ How true. Essentially because i do not fit their mould, and i say stuff that makes them think i must really think i’m something. I laugh at that, if they only knew. Some people easily embraced the call of God, others like me had to be dragged kicking and screaming. But in the process, God did some electrical rewiring within and placed big dreams inside.

I responded to a post by Craig Groeschel on the blog a few days ago. The topic was thinking big. Here is my take on it :

  • “Big is relative. What is big to us is small to God, what is normal to us is minute to God. What is normal to God is gargantuan to us.
  • When we realise that, we will strive to think as ‘big’ as we can, because God can do it. The main barriers are in our mind. Our refusal to think it hinders our ability to believe God for it, consequently we do not have it.
  • I see it more as thinking God’s thoughts and him transforming me to the point where nothing seems particularly big, just normal God stuff. And God wants to do normal God stuff on the earth.
  • Yes, big is always better if it means more people get saved, more people get plugged in to God, insofar as it is what God requires of you personally.”

I have always been astounded at the things God requires of me, at what He expects me to believe and do. Just when i think I am doing fine the Holy Spirit convicts me of thinking too small and I am required, once again to expand my horizons; which is perfectly normal, after all, everything is possible with God.

And so i say that we will cover this nation with the gospel, that France will come to know Christ like never before, that we will plant churches all over France and the continent of Europe. Why, because God wants it done. The prospect of it does not seem to terrify Him, and He apparently considers it a given, so i do not expend unnecessary energy arguing, i choose to agree. He obviously knows what He’s up to and i will be loth to look foolish when it happens.

Imagine how Abraham the childless one would have felt had he been alive to see his descendants come out of Egypt in their large numbers? I defer to God’s superior knowledge of situations and innate ability to alter anything to suit His purposes. So when someone like that says ‘big’, just agree, say ‘big’. He must be seeing 400 plus years ahead.

Remember, your dreams must always dwarf your current reality.

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