the salvation of my chin

George Mikes in How to be Poor comments wryly about his daughter going shopping in the sales and coming back to say how much money she had saved, and all he saw was how much money she had spent. Well, I saved more than money in my sales purchase last week. I saved my health, I saved my waistline, and saved my chin from further southward expansion.


Are you sad, angry, lonely or depressed, buy a juicer; it will change your life.


I was none of the aforesaid but I bought myself a top of the range juicer and have taken to downing cups of natural fruit and vegetable juices several times a day, and pigging out on bowls of pulp, pulp shake, pulp in yoghurt, pulp in… pulp.  


Pre juicer, fruit was already my friend and vegetable my constant companion. However this new ritual and its attendant outcome confer on them a fresh status, I embark daily on a voyage of delight; and with every cup extracted, I marvel at one other minute portion of the immense creativity and genius of God in putting all this together.


I doubt a sizzling pic of my mixed nectarine, apple and mango juice or my beet, carrot and apple will prove as popular as last week’s roast chicken but it is certainly more mouth wateringly and naturally good.


And bought at a price drop of sixty odd euros in the sales, even George Mikes will approve.

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