God employs many tools for the fulfilment of His purposes, one of them is prophetic decrees. We read in Genesis 1 that God spoke and everything He spoke came into being.
The book of Hebrews in the famous exposition on faith confirms and recalls that everything that exists was fashioned by the Word of God. Consequently, the visible was born of the visible. And it is still happening.

I learnt that to see change, I needed to speak what God wanted to perform in the situation. My words must agree with God’s will and God’s words. Speaking is a major part of answered prayer.
Everything that exists is the fruit of the spoken word. The natural obeys spiritually charged words. Spiritual forces are triggered by the spoken word. Someone in the spirit responds to your words, either angels or demons; you trigger either the power of God or the involvement of the devil.
Jesus issues a decree
Jesus demonstrated this powerfully when He spoke to a tree. The tree did not yield fruit for Him to eat and He spoke to it and said that no one would ever eat fruit from it anymore. The next day as they went past, His words had materialised.
The tree had dried up. His disciples were stunned. Spiritual power had been released to do to the tree what He had said. That is the power of the decree.
People involved in the occultic arts understand the power of the decree. They make incantations and their words mobilise the powers of darkness. What they say happens. Yet Christians underestimate the power of words
What Jesus said about our decrees
Jesus taught us a powerful lesson about words. When His disciples noted that the aforementioned fig tree had dried up, they pointed it out to Him. Strangely, He did not attribute the effect of His words on the fig tree to any special attribute that He possessed. Rather, He said this.
I assure you: If anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. 24 Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray and ask for—believe that you have receivedthem, and you will have them. (Mark 11:23-24 HCSB )
Speak to the mountain, tell it where to go, and it will happen if you believe it will. Here is clear proof that like Jesus, we can and should speak to things to make them change. The mountain is a massive thing, not only that, it is normally not moveable. Two major impossibilities are swept away with the use of a small member, the tongue. The condition is to believe. We must not doubt that what we have said will happen.
We speak words that express our alignment with God and with His thoughts. We declare words that are the fruit of revelation and illumination. We speak words that lead to the performance of the will of God. Is it easy? No, there is mental opposition, emotional resistance, the resistance of the will and laziness. We must overcome them.
How to issue effective decrees
To see a consistent manifestation of the will of God,
- we need to soak ourselves in His Word, so we can be saturated with His thoughts and embrace His vision.
- We seek understanding, renewal of the mind. We apply ourselves to learning and labour to gain revelation.
- We submit our tongue to God, consciously and deliberately, on a daily basis.
- We speak by faith, not by feeling.
- We pray in the Spirit to gain spiritual sensitivity.
What your decree accomplishes
By our decrees, we cooperate with God’s will in the earth. God seeks people who will have their eyes open to see His vision for their generation. He will empower them to not only see, but meet the needs of His church, as true servants. They will speak prophetically for His will to be performed on the earth. We must become spiritually valuable. There is a need in the kingdom for people who see what God sees and speak what God speaks. We need people who can birth things in the realm of the Spirit. If it is not Spirit birthed, it will cause compromise and fatigue. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Speak life.
By our decrees, we cancel past inadequacies and release a new beginning. When you have failed in the past and repented, by your decrees, you call yourself into a new dimension of functioning. You speak the requisite change over your life. You call yourself what you ought to be, committed, faithful, useful, usable, reliable, dependable, an asset to the kingdom of God. Call yourself a soul winner.
By our decrees, we counter demonic decrees over our lives and churches. We silence the spirits released against us and send them back from whence they came.
Along with the decree
The speaking must be continuous until manifestation. At the same time,
- I apply my intelligence and my hands to the task.
- I follow directions, I innovate, I create
- I apply the principles I have been trained to apply
- I do what is needed not only what I enjoy
- I work on myself constantly
- I do spiritual warfare. Mental capacity is not enough; the apostle Paul said ‘Satan hindered us’. We must counter every demonic aggression with divine power.
- I pray and prophesy.
We are spirit beings speaking spiritual words for the performance of the will of the Father of spirits.