The divine guest

Yesterday morning in prayer, i was again overwhelmed by the awareness of God’s enduring presence . At some point, I piped up and cheekily asked if He had taken out a lease on my home or was He simply squatting, cos He seems to be there all the time now. I figured since He was occupying so much space, He might want to give me a cheque at the end of the month. Sounds irreverent, no, just family talking to family, laughing with family, delighting in family. God is family.

I always marvel at how much access we have to our heavenly Father and how unguarded God is with us. I guess it’s only logical, afterall,  He did come to fetch us when we were far off, and He it was who initiated the plan of reconciliation. Would He, after being reconciled  now decide to keep us at arm’s length?

The truth is, we were made for intimacy. Also true is the fact that quite often what we call intimacy is simply casualness; not taking God or the things of God seriously. We then proceed to justify  ourselves by claiming we are no longer under the Old covenant, now we are friends of God. Quite the contrary, friends of God take God very seriously indeed and themselves not at all. Those who are intimate care. Intimacy is heart to heart, deep communion. Intimacy is the place where my heart beats with His, intimacy is crying tears of joy merely at the thought of knowing Him, intimacy is sitting still in His presence without needing words to communicate.

The great news of reconciliation through Christ is that God is once more easily accessible to man. that is why the writer of Hebrews so eloquently speaks of the new access to God we have and enjoins us to use it. When we do use it, we are amazed to find a rapturous welcome, a loving embrace and an enduring presence. I feel we need to make God more welcome in our lives, in our homes, in all our living space. I believe God is looking for places on the earth where He can fill with Himself and His presence, make Himself at home. And they do not have to be church buildings. They should be our homes, our offices, all our space. So I ask for nothing else, that God will make Himself at home in my home.


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