Thanksgiving Heaven

I am in thanksgiving heaven right now. This is our 5 to 6 am prayer week where all the church and our ministry partners in The Theophilus Company pray from five to six and this week we are simply giving thanks. It’s a week of pure, concentrated, unadulterated thanksgiving with most pleasant side effects.

• Indeed one of the side effects of thanksgiving has been even more gratitude. God doesn’t mind showing off His works, and as I have been thanking Him this week, I have suddenly been seeing more, been seeing things that He had done for me which for some reason I had previously paid scant attention to. So my gratitude list is much lengthened.

• Then there are those ones we have said thank you for, and even danced and celebrated over, but which have suddenly taken on deeper meaning becoming more real and valuable. And along with that comes a new sense of awe, that God has taken all this trouble over me, the understanding of how precious we are to God.

• And then there is the joy, each morning joy and more joy, as you tank Him and feel His pleasure at your simple gratitude, but also as you realize just how much you have received in grace, in favour; and as you realize that so many things which you took for granted were actually targeted, deliberate manifestations of God’s kindness in a personal way to you. The mind boggles at such love.

• Finally not only do you overflow with joy, but seeing God’s extreme kindness towards you also spurs you on to great faith. After all God does have a solid track record here of doing good and taking care of His own. It causes a change of perspective and a sense of security and you just know that He will do it again. Yes.

Thank Him afresh today and you will not believe how much He will show you.


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