

God is not a beggar

God is not a beggar, begging us for our attention and our service. Our problem is we do not realize that we owe Him; we are consumed with a sense of entitlement. We live convinced that everything is supposed to be to our convenience, we are the heroes of our own story, yet we live […]

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Why I preach.

This Saturday night as i sit in the presence of the Lord before service tomorrow i am deeply moved, and in fact the only reason i am writing this is to release some of the intensity of the moment; how do you weep on screen? I have always wondered, since i began to get close

Why I preach. Read More »

public squares and praise

I stood on the balcony of my hotel and looked out towards the square beneath with the passing cars and pedestrians making their way to work. A simple scene on an ordinary spring morning in a European city, yet something struck me differently. I looked and it occurred to me that God sees this all

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