
When God is not ‘nice’.

On one occasion some people interrupted Jesus’s sleep and He did not quite like it. I guess they had felt they had good reason, they were in danger of death and needed His help. The gospel of Matthew, in very few words recounts the story of the disciples of Jesus as they were caught in

When God is not ‘nice’. Read More »


Jesus is at the heart of our faith. You are not a Christian because you believe in God, in the existence of a divine being, but because you believe in Jesus. ; in who He is and in what you came to the earth to do. Many would say that they believe in God and

Centrestage Read More »

Wild with joy

Recently I was studying Ephesians and went wild with joy. I can imagine in what state must have been the apostle when he wrote these glorious words. That he would write this to encourage them is astounding enough, that he would write it because it truly is so, is breathtakingly magnificent. No wonder he felt

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I stepped into the early morning bible class on Sunday as they were concluding the class and i just had time to glimpse the final part of my video teaching on Jesus as i spoke of the preincarnate, the incarnate and postincarnate Christ. Because we know His divinity we may despite all our trumpeting of

Startling. Read More »

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