PROPHETIC MESSAGE 2022 I Men approved by God (Part 2)

This week on Passion for God, Pastor Bola Ogedengbe continues to explore Samuel’s life to give useful keys for our Christian life if we want to be approved by God. 

What lessons can we learn from Samuel’s life that will enable us to live a life as exemplary as his? Like all of us, Samuel faced betrayals, challenges and difficulties. He knew the pain of the death of his loved ones, the pain of rejection by the people of Israel, the pain of the corrupt lifestyle of his own sons and the pain of the disobedience of King Saul. In the face of all these challenges, he did not waver in his commitment to serve the Lord in righteousness and integrity. He remained faithful. So today’s message is one of good news: in the midst of an atmosphere of backsliders, we can be successful in keeping our commitments to the Lord. How can we do this?

Discover, in the second part of this teaching ‘Men approved by God’, six powerful keys that were helpful to Samuel and will be helpful to us as well.

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