PROPHETIC MESSAGE 2022 ǀ Men approved by God (Part 1)

What does it take to be a man approved by God, empowered to be a new voice in this season? The Lord gave us a prophetic word about a season of radical change when new voices would emerge while many others would be shut down. In the previous article/video, we examined the characteristics of men rejected by God. Now, we will look at the captivating story of a man approved by God and discover what it takes to be such a one.

Who was Samuel?

Samuel was a peculiar man in his generation. He is an example of a man that was approved of God, who stood the test of time. His mother received Him from the Lord after a protracted period of barreness when she vowed that if God would give her a son she would return him to God. And this she did.

Samuel lived a life of total consecration and is a demonstration of the characteristics that enable a man or woman to be approved of God for effective service. Watch this video and you will be powerfully touched by this exemplary life and challenged to be a Samuel in your generation.

Watch the previous message here

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