naming and claiming

I got to naming and claiming two days ago. There I was minding my business, actually making another cup of tea to be precise, when it just got on me. You know those times when something you had not been thinking about suddenly seems all important. Well for some reason it suddenly became vital to me that i be in right relationship with God, and that my ways be acceptable to Him all the time.

So there i went telling Father with acute desperation in my voice how i absolutely needed Him to correct me, to discipline me, to put me right, how i could not possibly stand that He would let me get away with wrongdoing. And on and on I went, till suddenly light dawned as out of my mouth flew the scripture that says ‘He whom the Father loves He chastises’ and did i latch on to it.

I went to praying it, telling it to God and claiming it. It became my favourite bible verse in one instant. Now Father, this is what your word says, you correct those you love, correct me Lord, and so it went. And i am holding on to that Scripture. I just am a sucker for approval, God’s approval. And since i know that i am not always that hot, to get that approval, i need to also get the adjustments and corrections, and to those i willingly submit. Oh for the smile of God upon my life.

If you do not believe in naming it and claiming it, you have not had a desperate moment like that, when it seems that all your life hinges on one thing, and suddenly out pops a scripture that guarantees you just that. And despite the naysayers, i shall keep confessing and reminding God that He whom the Father loves He chastises. Have a lovely day.

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