Monday morning reminiscences

  • Awesome service yesterday. Yet another challenge overcome. Bereft of meeting room, rather than cancel, we had service in the afternoon in Boulogne, it was magnificent. Sunday we shall be back in our Parisian hall.
  • It is rather nice to not have to rush to give up the hall after the service, to not have to set up and take down equipment. Can’t wait to move into our own building so here comes another week of hunting.
  • Punctuality has nothing to do with the time of the service, even when the service is in the afternoon, some people will still manage to come late and some not at all. We’ve often had people say our services were too early now I know that is of no consequence. It’s a matter of values and discipline. .
  • God does not need music for powerful worship, by music i mean instruments. Our music was playing up, we shut it down and let our voices rise, and my, what fervour and passion in praise of God. Someone once said to me that in many churches he visits, it’s simply a succession of songs whereas here ‘you worship’. That’s the whole point, otherwise the songs are of no use. It’s our hearts that should sing to the Lord not our lips. You can’t hoodwink God.
  • I preached on the tithe and had a blast. I think they did too. I quoted Martin Luther talked about the different conversions a Christian must undergo, one is the conversion of the heart and the second the conversion of the wallet.  When we become tithers and generous givers, then our wallet has undergone conversion.
  • Likewise John Wesley opined that the last part of the man to be converted is his wallet. Let’s get our wallets converted and release finances into the work of the saving of souls. We are made in the image of God, God gives, we should be givers.
  • There were words of knowledge on physical and emotional healing. God is at work. Eager to start the new teaching series on ‘healing’. Yes, 2011 is a year of knowing our Lord as the God who heals – Jahoveh Rophe.
  • that’s it, and here comes another week in His presence. the to do list is long : bible studies, counseling sessions, hall hunting, writing of diverse kinds, prayer, reconciling men with God….. all to the glory of the Father.
  • Have an excellent week everyone. Shalom !
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