Investing in nobodies

When you want to get ahead in life, logic demands that you seek out those who are the flavour of the month, who have the connections, the right relationships, those ones who have a name and move in the right circles, those who have a recognized ministry, a flourishing business. Seek to render service to the great, conventional wisdom says, and you will gain their favour, and they will lift you up. But the lowly and unknown do not warrant your time or your attention. They do not have the clout to take you where you want to go, and friendship with them might even cost you.

How many expect that their breakthrough can come through the has beens or the nobodies? Yet it happened for Joseph. I guess i can’t get away from Joseph (see previous post). Who would stop to notice the fallen, the humbled, the little people, the has beens? That’s what Joseph did, he practiced indiscriminate kindness and his blessing came in an unexpected package. When we understand that promotion comes from the Lord we will stop hustling to be connected with those who are ‘happening’, we will be open to God leading us to step into the need of someone who may not look like much today, someone who seems to be struggling.

If you do, the day God turns things around for them and lifts them up, He will cause them to remember your labour of love and you will rise with them. Nor does it depend on their integrity or powers of recall; you need not wonder if you can trust them to do the right thing, to honour your service. Afterall Joseph entreated the cupbearer to remember him when he was lifted up and the Bible says laconically ‘he forgot Joseph’; but God did not, and He will not you. He set up circumstances and orchestrated dreams that ended up putting Joseph on the scene as God’s man for the hour. He has not lost His touch.


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