God’s works are powerful!

Trusting God in difficult times is possible when you meditate on God’s power. Let’s explore the greatness of the works of God. Let’s talk about God, the God of power! One of the most important things we say about God is that God is powerful. This attribute is truly intrinsic to God. We say that He is good, but If He were not powerful, He would have no means of expressing His goodness. To know God in His power, we need to contemplate and meditate upon His Word.

Watch this Psalm 111 sermon and meditate on the passages given by Pastor Bola to get to another level in the understanding of the power of God. When you meditate on, recognise and celebrate the greatness and power of God’s works, you will begin to live a life of infinite possibilities! Your passion for God will go to another level! Be blessed!

Psalm 111:6 says “He has shown his people the power of his works by giving them the inheritance of other nations.” God has the capacity to bring to pass anything that is in conformity with His will. He has no limitations. Jesus said in Matthew 19:26: “with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We are therefore dealing with a God of power who is unlimited in His scope of operation. God showed His people His power by giving the inheritance of the nations in the following ways:

– God brought the Israelites out of Egypt

– God brought the Israelites out of the desert into Canaan

– God gave the Israelites victory at Jericho

– God gave the Israelites victory over Ai

– God gave the Israelites victory over the Amorite kings

– God threw them into confusion

– God sent hailstones over the Amorite kings

– God listened to the voice of Joshua who told the sun to stand still! So, what are the implications of thinking on the power of God?

1. We get to know God

2. Our faith grows

3. Our obedience goes to another level

4. Because we have confidence in Him we know that we can trust Him and we do not limit Him.

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