give an unforgettable gift this Christmas : give water, give life

According to UNICEF, 1.1 billion people world wide do not have access to clean water, 4,000 children die daily of water borne diseases caused by lack of access to clean water. In Africa, 43% of children drink impure water,  one out of every five children dies before the age of five.

Paradoxically this Christmas in the western world i expect we will spend over five hundred billion dollars on Christmas (americans alone will spend 450 billion), yet it will take only a fraction of that amount to provide clean water worldwide, and save many lives. Some governments are finally waking up to the need.

Alongside governments, different associations are seeking to remedy the problem by digging water wells  to give whole communities access to clean water. The community’s health improves, the children stay alive and can now go back to school rather than have to go and fetch water.

What can YOU and I do? –   GET INVOLVED.

We can all get involved. We intend to raise 3,000 dollars for Living Waters International to repair a well and provide water for a community that was previously deprived. I would ask you to read the previous articles  and watch the videos and if your heart is stirred and you wish to participate financially, you can  :

1. give online by clicking on this link : GIVE WATER, GIVE LIFE or you can

2. give during our special WATER collection at our christmas service on sunday december 21 at 9am (Abba House, Cinéma Le Racine, 6 rue de l’école de médecine, 75006 Paris métro : st michel, odéon, cluny).

How many times we have given hoping the recipient will appreciate or like our gift; now we have a chance to give an unforgettable, priceless and life changing gift,  because we care.

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